Team Codes

Title Description
GDC - Grizzly Dress Code Dress clothes must be worn to games. This means a dress shirt, black or dark purple tie, dress pants, neat shoes (no slippers and no untied sloppy shoes). Ball caps are allowed but must be worn as they were designed to be worn. Please limit them to black or white.
WBC - Water Bottle Code Every player must have their own water bottle. They need to fill it themselves and drink only from that water bottle. Don't even touch someone else's bottle. This is a way to stay healthy.
EBC - Extra Blade Code Please have an extra set of sharpened blades on hand at all games. If you player breaks a blade, coach can replace it on the bench during the game.
MGC - Mouth Guard Code Each player is required to have two mouth guards. One is to be in possession of the player and used during games and practice and the other is to be given to coach for the mouth guard kit. It will be labeled with your player's name and available if the primary guard is missing.
GATC - Game Arrival Time Code All players are required to arrive and be in the locker room 62 minutes before the start of the game
CNC - Coach Notification Code If the player is going to miss practice for any reason, the player must call the coach to let him know. The only reason a parent should call the coach for the player is if the player is incapacitated.
PTAC - Players Traveling Alone Code If your player is traveling alone to a game, the parent must notify the coach.
HC - Hotel Code If a player(s) is staying in a hotel without adult supervision, the parent must notify the coach.
PLRC - Parents in the Locker Room Code Parents are not allowed in the locker room. If you need to get an item/message to or from the player, let the manager or one of the coaches take care of it.
PCLRC - Phones/Cameras in the Locker Room Code Phones/Cameras in the Locker Room Code = Phones/cameras or any other device that can take a photo or video are never allowed in the locker room. This is for practice and games. Players must leave their device in the car or with a parent while in the locker room.
PIC - Player Injury Code If your player is injured, please stay in your seat. If the coach needs help from the parent, he will signal to you. If the parent is not in attendance, the manager will assist the coach. If the player is removed from a game or practice because of an injury on or off of the ice, the parent must notify the coach when it is ok for the player to return to the ice.
DAC - Drugs/Alcohol Code 1st offense=2 weeks or 4 games, 2nd offense=6 weeks or 8 games, 3rd offense=removal from the team.
AGC - Academic Grade Code All players must have passing grades. Random grade checks will be performed. Game suspensions may occur if a player is not passing all classes.
SC - Suspension Code If a player is suspended for any reason, they are suspended from game participation. They are still required to participate in practice and attend games. Coaches reserve the right to increase the suspension time given by the league because of conduct on the ice during a game.
PCC - Player Curfew Code Players will be given a curfew by the coach the night before games.